Ideas or feedback

Ideas or feedback for exMon we can use to improve our product.

Lookup columns in DM should not rename the display value column


  • Change ItemList and Lookup:

    • From: [ColumnName], [__ColumnName_Display]

    • To: [__ColumnName_Key], [ColumnName]

Users of the database (SQL, PowerBI, Tableau, exMonDG) normally use the display column and then you don't have to rename them on the front end.

Also, more important, when you have a string column and want to change that to a dropdown, then you have to update all dependent Actions to refer to the __Display colums. If that column would not rename then you can change the type without changing the actions.

We can change it so all existing tables use the current method but future tables will use the new method.

  • Gunnar Steinn Home
  • Jul 28 2022
  • Attach files
  • Stefán Gunnar Jóhannsson commented
    October 27, 2022 13:10


  • Stefán Gunnar Jóhannsson commented
    October 27, 2022 13:09
